Bach Bibliography
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Author : Leahy, Anne
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Leahy, AnneThe Opening Chorus of Cantata BWV 78, Jesu, der du meine Seele; Another Example of Bach's Interest in Matters Soteriological. Bach 30 1 Spring-Summer 1999 26-41
2. Leahy, Anne'Vor deinen Thron tret ich': The Eschatological Significance of the Chorale Settings of the P271 Manuscript of the Berlin Staatsbibliothek. Bach 37 2 2006 81-118
3. Leahy, AnneThe American Image of Bach from a German Emigré's Perspective: Gerhard Herz and the Modern American Bach Movement. Bach 40 1 2009 58-79
4. Leahy, AnneJ. S. Bach's 'Leipzig Chorale' Preludes: Music, Text, Theology. ContextBachStud 3 2011 xxviii, 297p
5. Leahy, Anne MarieText-Music Relationships in the 'Leipzig' Chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. 2002 xv, 223p
6. Leahy, AnneBach's Setting of the Hymn Tune 'Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland' in His Cantatas and Organ Works. [fs]Leaver65 2007 69-101
7. Leahy, Anne; Tomita, Yo (eds.)Bach Studies from Dublin: Selected papers presented at the ninth biennial conference on Baroque music, held at Trinity College Dublin from 12th to 16th July 2000. IrishMStud 8 2004 270p
8. Leahy, AnneBach's Prelude, Fugue and Allegro for lute (BWV 998): a Trinitarian Statement of Faith? JSMI 1 2005 33-51
9. Leahy, AnneThe image of Bach from a German-American perspective: Gerhard Herz and the modern American Bach movement. [p]ABS_NewBrunswick Apr 2004
10. Leahy, AnneThe opening movements of BWV 78, Jesu, der du meine Seele, yet another demonstration of Bach's preoccupation with matters soteriological. [p]BCB_Exeter Jul 1998
11. Leahy, AnneVor deinen Thron tret ich: the eschatological significance of J.S. Bach's 'Leipzig' chorales. [p]BCB_Logrono Jul 2002
12. Leahy, Anne; O'Toole, RedmondBach's Prelude, Fugue and Allegro for lute (BWV 998): a Trinitarian statement of faith? [p]BICB_Manchester Jul 2004
13. Leahy, AnneNun komm der Heiden Heiland: settings by the seventeenth-century predecessors of J.S. Bach. [p]BICB_Warsaw Jul 2006
14. Leahy, AnneMusic, Text, and Theology in J.S. Bach's chorale prelude Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BWV 658 [p]IATB_Eisenach Mar 2002
15. Leahy, Anne'Jesus Christus unser Heiland', BWV 665: an investigation into the relationship between the text and music of Bach's chorale prelude. [p]IATB_Logumkloster Oct 1999
16. Leahy, AnneThe chorals of the P 271 manuscript: musica sub communione, or is it even more? [p]IBS_Utrecht Sep 2000
17. Leahy, AnneThe opening movement of BWV 78, Jesu, der du meine Seele, yet another demonstration of Bach's preoccupation with matters soteriological. [p]RMA_Belfast May 1998
18. Leahy, AnneThe Organ Chorale Preludes from the Leipzig Autograph (BWV 651-68) by J. S. Bach. [p]RMA_Belfast May 1996
19. Leahy, AnneThe Crucifixion Theme in the Bach B Minor Mass. [p]RMA_Limerick May 1997
20. Leahy, AnneJesus Christus unser Heiland, BWV 666: text/music relationships. [p]RMA_Waterford May 1999
21. Leahy, AnneBach's Prelude, Fugue and Allegro for lute (BWV 998): A Trinitarian statement of faith? [p]SMI_Belfast May 2004
22. Leahy, Anne'Vor deinen Thron tret ich': the eschatological significance of J.S. Bach's 'Leipzig' chorales. [p]SMI_Maynooth May 2003

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita